International Journals
IZADPANAHI, AMIN; BLUNT, MARTIN J.; KUMAR, NARENDRA; ALI, MUHAMMAD; GAETA TASSINARI, COLOMBO CELSO; SAMPAIO, MARCIO AUGUSTO. A review of carbon storage in saline aquifers: Mechanisms, prerequisites, and key considerations. FUEL, v. 369, p. 131744, 2024
SILVA, JOÃO VICTOR GOIS; SILVEIRA, BRUNO MARCO OLIVEIRA; FERRARI, JEAN VICENTE; SAMPAIO, MARCIO AUGUSTO. Integration between experimental investigation and numerical simulation of alkaline surfactant foam flooding in carbonate reservoirs. Journal Of Petroleum Exploration And Production Technology, v. 14, 2024.
RANAZZI, PAULO HENRIQUE; LUO, XIAODONG; SAMPAIO, MARCIO AUGUSTO. Improving the training performance of Generative Adversarial Networks with limited data: application to the generation of geological models. COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES, v. 193, p. 105747, 2024.
REGINATO, LEONARDO FONSECA; GIORIA, RAFAEL DOS SANTOS; SAMPAIO, MARCIO AUGUSTO. Hybrid Machine Learning for Modeling the Relative Permeability Changes in Carbonate Reservoirs under Engineered Water Injection. Energies, v. 16, p. 4849, 2023.
ARANHA, P. E.; LOPES, L. G. O.; PARANHOS SOBRINHO, E. S.; OLIVEIRA, I. M. N.; DE ARAÚJO, J. P. N.; SANTOS, B. B.; LIMA JUNIOR, E. T.; DA SILVA, T. B.; VIEIRA, T. M. A.; LIRA, W. W. M.; POLICARPO, N. A.; SAMPAIO, M. A. A System to Detect Oilwell Anomalies Using Deep Learning and Decision Diagram Dual Approach. SPE JOURNAL, v. 1, p. 1-14, 2023.
ARANHA, PEDRO ESTEVES; POLICARPO, NARA ANGELICA; SAMPAIO, MARCIO AUGUSTO. Unsupervised machine learning model for predicting anomalies in subsurface safety valves and application in offshore wells during oil production. Journal Of Petroleum Exploration And Production Technology, v. 13, p. 1, 2023.
MENDES, E.; SIVAPURAM, R.; RODRIGUEZ, R.; SAMPAIO, M.; PICELLI, R. Topology optimization for stability problems of submerged structures using the TOBS method. COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES, v. 259, p. 106685, 2022
RANAZZI, PAULO HENRIQUE; LUO, XIAODONG; SAMPAIO, MARCIO AUGUSTO. Improving pseudo-optimal Kalman-gain localization using the random shuffle method. JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, v. 215A, p. 110589, 2022.
KUMAR, N.; SAMPAIO, M. A.; OJHA, K.; HOTEIT, H.; MANDAL, A. Fundamental aspects, mechanisms and emerging possibilities of CO2 miscible flooding in enhanced oil recovery: A review. FUEL, v. 330, p. 125633, 2022.
GOMES FILHO, LUIZ CARLOS; SAMPAIO, MARCIO AUGUSTO. Well Production Optimization under the Scale Effect and CO2-WAG Injection in a Carbonate Model of the Brazilian Pre-Salt. SPE Production & Operations, v. 37, p. 1-16, 2022
REGINATO, LEONARDO FONSECA; PEDRONI, LUCAS GOMES; MARTINS COMPAN, ANDRÉ LUIZ; SKINNER, RODRIGO; SAMPAIO, MARCIO AUGUSTO . Optimization of ionic concentrations in engineered water injection in carbonate reservoir through ANN and FGA. Oil & Gas Science and Technology-Revue d IFP Energies nouvelles, v. 76, p. 13, 2021.
DA CRUZ SCHAEFER, BRUNO ; SAMPAIO, MARCIO AUGUSTO . Efficient workflow for optimizing intelligent well completion using production parameters in real-time. Oil & Gas Science and Technology-Revue d IFP Energies nouvelles, v. 75, p. 69, 2020.
AGOSTINI, CRISTIANO EDUARDO; SAMPAIO, MARCIO AUGUSTO. Probabilistic Neural Network with Bayesian-based, spectral torque imaging and Deep Convolutional Autoencoder for PDC bit wear monitoring. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 193, p. 107434, 2020.
SAMPAIO, M. A.; MELLO, S. F.; SCHIOZER, D. J. Impact of physical phenomena and cyclical reinjection in miscible CO2-WAG recovery in carbonate reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 2020.
RANAZZI, P. H.; SAMPAIO, M. A. Ensemble size investigation in adaptive ES-MDA reservoir history matching. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, (2019) 41: 413.
RANAZZI, P. H.; SAMPAIO, M. A. Influence of the Kalman gain localization in adaptive ensemble smoother history matching. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 179, p. 244-256, 2019.
SAMPAIO, M. A.; GASPAR, A. T. F. S.; SCHIOZER, D. J. Optimization of Well Rates under Production Constraints. International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, v. 21, p. 131, 2019.
SAMPAIO, M. A. ; HERRERA, D. S. M. ; ANGARITA, J. C. G. Production optimization for a conceptual model through combined use of polymer flooding and intelligent well technology under uncertainties. Revista Fuentes El Reventón Energético, v. 16, p. 37-45, 2018.
SAMPAIO, M. A.; SUSLICK, S. B. Impact of Offshore Drilling Rigs Availability in the Optimal Investment Timing on High-Deep Water Projects in the Santos Basin. International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 15 (3), 217-234, 2017.
SAMPAIO, M. A.; BARRETO, C.E.A.G.; SCHIOZER, D. J. Assisted Optimization Method for Comparison between Conventional and Intelligent Producers Considering Uncertainties. Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering, v. 133, p. 268-279, 2015.
Brazilian Journals
SAMPAIO, M. A.; BARRETO, C. E. A. G.; RAVAGNANI, A. T. F. S. G.; CORREIA, M. G.; SCHIOZER, D. J. Comparação entre Poços Convencionais e Inteligentes Utilizando Controles Proativo e Reativo de Válvulas em Cenários com Incerteza Econômica. Petro & Química, v. 346, p. 44-57, 2012.
COSTA LIMA, G. A.; SAMPAIO, M. A.; RAVAGNANI, A. T. F. S. G.; SCHIOZER, D. J. Valor da Opção de Expansão na Seleção da Estratégia Ótima de Explotação de Petróleo. Petro & Química, v. 334, p. 67-73, 2011.
GALENO, R. C.; SUSLICK, S. B.; SAMPAIO, M. A.; COSTA LIMA, G. A. Impacto de diferentes métricas de risco na seleção de portfólios de projetos de produção de petróleo. Revista da Escola de Minas (Impresso), v. 62, p. 305-313, 2009.
International Conferences
FERNANDES, M. A.; GILDIN, E.; SAMPAIO, M. A. Data-Driven Workflow for Categorization of Brines Applied to a Pre-Salt Field. In: Offshore Technology Conference Brasil, 2023, Rio de Janeiro. Day 2 Wed, October 25, 2023, 2023.
PEREIRA, A. N. ; DOMINGUES, W. M. ; MACHADO, A. H. ; LINS, I. K. T. O. ; SAMPAIO, M. A. Estudos de simulação de fluxo e análise econômica aplicados aos tratamento e injeção de água projetada. Rio Oil & Gas Conference, 2020.
MASULINO, N. W. N. ; TASSINARI, C. C. G. ; SAMPAIO, M. A. . Avaliação técnico-econômica para armazenamento de CO2 em reservatórios não convencionais da bacia do paraná. Rio Oil & Gas Conference, 2020.
CAMARGO, T. S. A. ; SAMPAIO, M. A. . Estudo da alteração da molhabilidade em rochas carbonáticas sob injeção de água calibrada. Rio Oil & Gas Conference, 2020.
REGINATO, L. F.; CARNEIRO, C. C.; GIORIA, R. S.; SAMPAIO, M. A. Prediction of Wettability Alteration Using the Artificial Neural Networks in The Salinity Control of Injection Water in Carbonate Reservoirs. OTC Brasil, 2019.
RANAZZI, P. H.; SAMPAIO, M. A. Análise da Influência do Tamanho do Conjunto na Aplicação do Conjunto Suavizado no Processo de Ajuste de Histórico. Rio Oil & Gas Expo and Conference, 2018.
PATROCINIO, G. A. F. ; SAMPAIO, M. A. Recuperação Melhorada de Reservatórios de Petróleo sob Injeção WAG-CO2 Utilizando Metamodelos. Rio Oil & Gas Expo and Conference, 2018.
RANAZZI, P. H.; SAMPAIO, M. A. Assisted History Matching using Combined Optimization Methods. CILAMCE 2017 - XXXVIII Ibero-Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, Florianópolis, 2017.
SCHAEFER, B. C.; REIS, M. H.; SCHAEFER, M. F. L.; ZULIANI, P. C. M.; SAMPAIO, M. A. Technical-Economic Evaluation of Continuous CO2 Reinjection, Continuous Water Injection and Water Alternating Gas (WAG) Injection in Reservoirs Containing CO2. CILAMCE 2017 - XXXVIII Ibero-Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, Florianópolis, 2017.
DEBASTIANI, D. J.; TEZZA, F. B.; SAMPAIO, M. A. Application Of Hydraulic Fracturing as Stimulation Technique For Naturally Fractured Reservoirs. Rio Oil & Gas 2016 Expo and Conference, 2016.
SAMPAIO, M. A.; GILDIN, E.; SCHIOZER, D. J. Short-Term and Long-Term Optimizations for Reservoir Management with Intelligent Wells. SPE LACPEC, 18-20 Novembro, Quito, Equador, 2015.
SAMPAIO, M. A.; GHASEMI, M.; SOREK, N.; GILDIN, E.; SCHIOZER, D. J. Hybrid Optimization for Closed-Loop Reservoir Management. SPE RSS, 23-25 Fevereiro, Houston, Estados Unidos, 2015.
SAMPAIO, M. A.; BARRETO, C.E.A.G.; SCHIOZER, D. J. Optimization of Proactive Control Valves of Producer and Injector Intelligent Wells under Economic Uncertainty. SPE EUROPEC, 4-7 Junho, Copenhague, Dinamarca, 2012.
SAMPAIO, M. A.; BARRETO, C.E.A.G.; SCHIOZER, D. J. Comparison between Conventional and Intelligent Wells with Reactive and Proactive Controls under Economic Uncertainty. SPE POCE, 14-16 Maio, Doha, Catar, 2012.
SAMPAIO, M. A; BARRETO, C.E.A.G; RAVAGNANI, A.T.F.S.G; SCHIOZER, D. J. Comparison between Smart and Conventional Wells Optimized under Economic Uncertainty. Offshore Technology Conference, Rio de Janeiro, 2011.
COSTA LIMA, G. A; GASPAR RAVAGNANI, A.T.F.S; SAMPAIO, M. A.; SCHIOZER, D. J. The Value of Flexibility to Expand Production Capacity for Oil Projects: Is it Really Important in Practice? SPE LACPEC, 01-03 Dezembro, Lima, Peru, 2010.
COSTA LIMA, G. A.; SAMPAIO, M. A.; RAVAGNANI, A. T. F. S.; SCHIOZER, D. J. The Value of Expansion Option in the Selection of the Optimal Oil Exploitation Strategy. Rio Oil & Gas Expo and Conference, 13-16 Setembro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 2010.
Brazilian Conferences
REGINATO, L. F.; RANAZZI, P. H.; SANTOS, D. F.; SAMPAIO, M. A. Modelagem e Simulação de Injeção de Água de Baixa Salinidade em Reservatório Carbonático do Pré-Sal. III Congresso Nacional de Engenharia de Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis, 2018, Salvador. III Conepetro, 2018.
SILVA, T. G. D.; LOURENCO, E. S.; SAMPAIO, M. A.; SANTOS, D. F. Modelagem Matemática da Densidade de Poços Alagoanos Utilizando Redes Neurais Artificiais. III Congresso Nacional de Engenharia de Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis, 2018, Salvador. III Conepetro, 2018.
MASULINO, N. W. N.; SAMPAIO, M. A.; TASSINARI, C. Fatores de Influência da Estratégia de Injeção de CO2 para Armazenamento Geológico em Reservatórios de Shale Gas Depletados. 4º Congresso Brasileiro de CO2 na Indústria do Petróleo, Gás e Biocombustíveis, Rio de Janeiro, 2018.
GORLA, F. F. L.; NASCIMENTO, D. P. V.; RUBO, R. A.; DALL'OGLIO, T. A.; SILVA, R. M. T.; PEREIRA, A. N.; SAMPAIO, M. A. . Análise do Impacto da Incerteza do Modelo de Fácies no Valor Presente Líquido de um Projeto de Produção em Carbonatos. In: 49º Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 2018, Rio de Janeiro. 49º Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 2018.