This laboratory was conceived and created in 2016 with the support of the board of directors of the Polytechnic School, through the authorization of the directors Dr. José Roberto Castilho Piqueira and Dr. Liedi Legi Bariani Bernucci in transferring infrastructure resources from FAPESP.
It also had important partnerships with the Center for Petroleum Studies (CEPETRO-UNICAMP), through the director of the center and coordinator of the UNISIM research group, Prof. Dr. Denis José Schiozer, and the University Texas A&M, through Prof. Dr. Eduardo Gildin. This partnership was established through the research project approved by FAPESP (process 2016 / 08801-0).
Thus, the LASG was built only with funds from the Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).
It was created with the purpose of conducting relevant research on petroleum reservoir simulation and management, seeking to meet the research demands of the new exploratory frontier, in the Pre-Salt Santos Basin, as well as creating highly qualified human resources for the oil industry. Thus, it seeks to provide working conditions for researchers at various levels, from undergraduate students, through scientific initiation; postgraduate, master's and doctoral students; and even more experienced postdoctoral researchers.
Since the first year of the LASG, the laboratory has had students from other countries such as the National and Industrial of Santander (UIS), both from Colombia, and the National Autonomous University of Mexico. It has received many graduate students from Santos universities such as Unifesp, Unisantos and Unisanta, interested in conducting postgraduate research. Another significant demand is for professionals from the Petrobras unit in Santos, Santos Basin Operations Unit (UO-BS), whose interest in research has been growing and whose interaction has been very fruitful for both institutions.
With the high growth of oil and gas production in the Santos Basin, combined with the forecast growth of operations at UO-BS, this laboratory also seeks the development of research and innovation to meet the technological challenges of today's oil industry.