The Laboratory is directly linked to the following undergraduate subjects:
PMI3341 - Economic Evaluation of Oil and Gas Projects
PART 1 – Time value of money: present and future values. Net present value. Investment evaluation: traditional and alternative methods. Depreciation. Taxation. Cash-flow of an oil field: before and after taxes. Fiscal Regimes: concessionary, production-sharing and onerous assignment.
PART 2- Expected and information values. Decision trees. Incorporation atitudes toward risk. Decision analysis under uncertainty. Simulation in decision analysis: Monte Carlo simulation. Relationship between risk and return. Capital cost: CAPM model. Alternative view: arbitrage pricing theory. Real Options Theory: introduction, discrete and continuous models.
PMI3348 - Petroleum Engineering Design
Integration of geology petroleum, geophysics, rock and fluid properties, reservoir engineering and simulation, economic evaluation and risk analysis, enabling the students to explore the potential of each one, such as the integration between them, raising subsidies for student make the project about development of an oil field.
PMI3346 - Petroleum Reservoir Simulation
Introduction. Fluid flow equations. Flow of a single fluid in one dimension. Solution of tridiagonal matrix equations. Multiphase flow in one dimension. Solution of block tridiagonal equations. Flow of a single fluid in two dimensions. Solution of pentadiagonal matrix equations. Multiphase flow in two dimensions. Solution of block pentadiagonal equations. Three-dimensional problems and solution techniques. Special topics. Practical considerations.
PMI3350 - Integrated Reservoir Studies
PART 1 – Integration issues. The integrated database. Integrated geological model. Rock and fluids properties. Hydrocarbon in place determination. Basic Reservoir Enginnering.
PART 2 – Petroleum Reservoir Simulation. Cash-flow of an oil field. Streamline simulation. Upscaling. Production Strategies. Risk Analysis. History Matching.
PMI3931 - Reservoir Engineering III
1.Water Influx: a. van Everdingen & Hurst’s Model, b. Fetkovich’s Approximation Model, c. Hurst’s Modified Model, d. Carter-Tracy’s Model, e. Leung’s Model, f. Comparison between models, g. Bottom Water Influx Model, h. Calculation of Average Pressures and Contact; 2. Material Balance of Gas Reservoir: a. Introduction to Material Balance, b. Generalized Material Balance Equation, c. Volumetric Dry Gas Reservoir, d. Dry Gas Resevoir under Water Influx, e. Non-Retrograde Gas Condensate Reservoir, f. Retrograde Gas Condensate Reservoir, g. Recovery Factor; 3. Material Balance of Oil Reservoir: a. Generalized Material Balance Equation, b. Linearization of Material Balance Equation, c. Mechanim of solution gas drive, d. Mechanism of gascap drive, e. Mechanism of natural water drive; 5. Analysis of Production Decline Curves: a. Hyperbolic Decline, b. Exponential Decline, c. Harmonic Decline, d. Analysis of Production Decline Curve by Gentry’s Method, Analysis of Production Decline Curve by Fetkovich’s Method.
PMI3927 - Computational Intelligence Applied to Oil Industry
PART I – Genetic algorithms: introduction to genetic algorithms; terminologies and operators of GA; advanced operators; classification of genetic algorithms; applications of GAs in the oil industry.
PART II – Fuzzy logic: introduction to fuzzy logic; classical sets and fuzzy sets; classical and fuzzy relations; membership functions; defuzzification; fuzzy rule-based system; fuzzy decision making; applications of fuzzy logic in the oil industry.
PART III – Artificial neural networks: introduction to artificial neural networks; perceptron and Adaline; back-propagation; recurrent networks; self-organasing networks; reinforcement learning; applications of artificial neural networks in the oil industry.